  Pirates of Red Hook
JewelryPirate TreasureNautical GiftsLogo ItemsTee Shirts








  The selections on this site arrr... only a few of what we have available in our retail store in Red Hook - St Thomas, USVI - The isle of Pirates...... For more selections email, or call us at (340) 775-5595. Our Pirate at the helm can then email you more pics of what you are interested in. Turn yer eyepatch our way now and again as our site will continue to grow.....




Ahoy Matie...

Welcome to Pirates of Red Hook. Here ye will find the best Pirate Treasure on the web.... Not only do we have Killer logo items: Decals, T-shirts, Flags, Coozies , et al.... But also Awesome Scrimshaw knives, Roman Glass, Larimar, Paua Jewelry, and much more. Our Pirates have been busy scouring the Seven Seas for the best Pirate Booty and it's all here in our Pirates Treasure Isle...